OrientDB Interface Methods


Bases: ABC

Generic parent class for BioDBs.

classes: Tuple[OClass, ...] property

Return generic, node and edge classes as List[OClass].

number_of_generics: Dict[str, int] property

Returns for number of entries in OrientDB classes and RDB tables. Tables have priority.

number_of_nodes property

Return node count.

number_of_edges property

Return edge count.

__init__(generics: Tuple[Generic] = (), nodes: Tuple[Node] = (), edges: Tuple[Edge] = (), indices: Tuple[OIndex] = (), urls: dict = None, biodb_name: str = '', tables_base=None, config_params: Optional[dict] = None, overwrite_config: bool = False)

Init method.

__config_params_check(overwrite_config: bool = False)

Go through passed/available configuration params.

execute(command_str: str) -> List[OrientRecord]

Execute a command directly in the OrientDB server.


command_str: str The SQL to be executed


PyOrientCommandException Caused by a disconnect to the ODB server. eBEL will try to reconnect if possible.


ODB response.


Set configuration for OrientDB database client instance using configuration file or passed params.

get_client() -> OrientDB

Attempts to connect to the OrientDB client. This is currently done by using session tokens.


Represent the class.

insert_data() -> Dict[str, int] abstractmethod

Insert all generic data.

update_interactions() -> int abstractmethod

Insert all generic data.

clear_and_import_data() -> Dict[str, int]

Clears the associated table and inserts the data from raw downloaded data.

create_index_rdbms(table_name: str, columns)

Creates index on column(s) in RDBMS.

clear_edges_by_bel_doc_rid(bel_document_rid: str, even_if_other_doc_rids_exists=True)

Delete all edges linked to a specified BEL document rID.

clear_documents() -> int

Clear all document info. Returns number of deleted documents.

get_number_of_bel_statements_by_document_rid(bel_document_rid: str) -> int

Return BEL statement count with a given document ID.


Return all document info as pandas DataFrame.


Return all document info as pandas DataFrame.

add_keyword(keyword: str, description: str) -> pd.DataFrame

Add a keyword and description used to tagging BEL documents.


keyword : str The name of a project the work is based on or type of work description : str Detailed explanation of the keyword


Return info about class.

get_info_properties(class_name: str, short: bool = True)

Get the property information for a specified table.

entry_exists(class_name, **params) -> bool

Check if class_name whith parameters exists.

query(sql: str) -> pd.DataFrame

Return a pandas DataFrame results table.

query_get_dict(sql: str) -> List[dict]

Return list of dictionaries using a given SQL query.

query_class(class_name: str, limit: int = 0, skip: int = 0, columns: Iterable[str] = None, with_rid=True, with_class=False, print_sql: bool = False, group_by: List[str] = None, distinct=False, as_dataframe: bool = False, where_list: Tuple[str] = (), **params) -> Union[List[dict], pd.DataFrame]

Query class by params and returns list of pyorient.OrientRecord.

query_class_chunks(class_name: str, chunk_size: int = 10000, columns: Iterable[str] = None, with_rid=True, with_class=False, print_sql: bool = False, group_by: List[str] = None, distinct: bool = False)

Query class by params and only return a set of results in batches. Creates a generator.

query_rid(rid, columns: list = None)

Query specified columns of a given rID entry.

download(url_dict: Dict[str, str] = None, biodb: str = None, expiration_days: int = 100) -> Dict[str, bool]

Download url to file_path if not older than expiration_days.

download_file(url: str, biodb: str, expiration_days: int = 100, addtional_header: dict = None) -> bool staticmethod

Download file. Returns True if it was needed to download the file.

index_exists(index_name: str)

Check if index_name exists.

create_index(index: OIndex)

Create index.

get_index_name(index: OIndex)

Return index name.


Create all classes.


Create indices.

create_indices(indices: Tuple[OIndex])

Create indices.


Drop indices.

drop_indices(indices: List[OIndex])

Drop indices.

drop_index(index: OIndex)

Drop index.


Create node classes.


Create edge classes.


Create generic classes.

create_classes(oclasses: Tuple[OClass] = None)

Create classes.

list of classes (odb_structure.OClass) OrientDB class v, e or g for vertex, edge or generic

create_class(oclass: OClass, print_sql=False)

Create class.

OrientDB class v, e or g for vertex, edge or generic

create_class_property(class_name: str, prop: OProperty, print_sql: bool = False)

Create OrientDB class property.

class_exists(class_name: str) -> bool

Check if OrientDB class exists.


Check if list of OrientDB classes exists.

drop_class(class_name: str)

Drop the specified table.

__drop_classes(classes: Iterable[OClass])

Delete the classes in opposite order.


Drop all classes.


Drop all generic classes.


Drop all node classes.


Drop all edge classes.


Clear (delete entries) from all classes.

is_abstract_class(class_name: str) -> bool

Returns true if class is abstract.

clear_edges() -> Dict[str, int]

Delete all edges.


Delete all entries from class if exists.


Delete all nodes.


Delete all nodes from a class with no edges.


Delete all entries in generic tables.


Recreate SQLAlchemy tables in relational database.


Delete all nodes and edges of a specific biodb.


Delete all nodes and edges in the whole database.


Delete all DEA experiment associated edges.


Recreate OrientDB collection.

table_exists(table: Table)

Checks if the table exists in RDBMS.

__get_sql_where_part(params, where_list: Tuple[str] = ()) staticmethod

Return a ODB SQL where part by params.

get_number_of_class(class_name, distinct_column_name: str = None, **params)

Return count of unique values for a given class_name and column name.

get_cluster_ids(class_name: str) -> list

Get all cluster ids by class name.

insert_record(class_name: str, value_dict: dict, print_sql=False) -> Optional[str]

Insert new entry in class with values from dictionary. Returns rid.

create_record(class_name: str, value_dict: dict) -> Optional[str]

Create record/ insert into class_name with content of value_dict.

update_record(class_name: str, value_dict: dict) -> str

Update record with content of value_dict.

edge_exists(class_name: str, from_rid: str, to_rid: str, value_dict: dict = {}) -> str

Check if edge exists. Return rid if exists else None.

node_exists(class_name: str, value_dict: dict = {}, check_for: Union[Iterable[str], str] = None, print_sql: bool = False) -> str

Check if node exists. Return rid if exists else None.

create_edge(class_name: str, from_rid: str, to_rid: str, value_dict: dict = {}, print_sql=False, if_not_exists=False, ignore_empty_values=False) -> str

Create edge from from_rid(@rid) to to_rid(@rid) with content of value_dict.

get_create_rid(class_name: str, value_dict: dict, check_for=None, print_sql=False) -> str

Return class_name.@rid by value_dict. Create record/insert if not exists.

update_correlative_edges() -> List[str]

Create a reverse edge for every correlative edge.


Update document metadata.

update_pmcids() -> int

Add PMC ID to bel_relation if one exists.


Update PMID metadata for all edges of the specified edge_name.

import_dataframe(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, class_name: str, replace_nulls_with_nones: bool = True, standardize_column_names: bool = True, replace: bool = True) -> int

Import dataframe into OrientDb class with name.

batch_insert(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, database: str, chunk_size: int = 100, desc: str = None, standardize_column_names: bool = False, replace: bool = True, replace_nulls_with_nones: bool = False) -> int

Adds rows of a dataframe into specified generic table in batches.


dataframe: pandas DataFrame A dataframe of information to be inserted into the generic table. database: str Name of the generic table to be inserted into. chunk_size: int (optional) Number of chunks to break the dataframe into for batching. desc: str A description for tqdm about what is being iterated through. standardize_column_names: bool If True (default=False), standardize column names. replace: bool If True (default), content of dataframe replaces old data. replace_nulls_with_nones: bool If True (default=False), replace numpy.nan with None (==null in OrientDB). Returns

int Number of rows inserted into the table.

get_set_gene_rids_by_position(chromosome: str, position: int, gene_types=['mapped', 'downstream', 'upstream']) -> Dict[str, List[str]]

Return dictionary of mapped gene by chromosal position.

ALERT: creates new BEL HGNC gene is not exists.

class_is_descendant_of(child_name: str, descendant_name: str) -> bool

Returns True if child_name is a child class of descendent_name.

class_has_children(class_name) -> bool

Checks if class_name has children that inherit from class_name.

get_child_classes(class_name) -> List[str]

Get list of child classes for given class_name.

get_leaf_classes_of(class_name: str) -> List[str]

Return list of children classes for the given class_name.

insert() -> Dict[str, int]

Check if files missing for download or generic table empty. If True then insert data.

update() -> None

Check generics and update BEL interactions.

update_bel() -> None

Delete and update all class specific edges.

delete_nodes_with_no_edges(class_name=None) -> int

Delete all nodes without any edges.

get_pure_symbol_rids_dict_in_bel_context(class_name='protein', namespace='HGNC') -> Dict[str, str]

Return dictionary with HGNC names as key and OrientDB @rid as value.

Applies to all pure nodes in graph with class name directly or indirectly involved in BEL stmt. This method could be helpful to avoid graph explosion.

get_pure_uniprots_in_bel_context() -> Set[str]

Returns a list of all uniprot accessions in BEL annotation context.

get_pure_symbol_rid_df_in_bel_context(class_name='protein', namespace='HGNC') -> pd.DataFrame

Return dictionary with gene symbols as keys and node rIDs as values.

get_pure_symbol_rids_dict(class_name='protein', namespace='HGNC') -> Dict[str, str]

Return dictionary with protein name as keys and node rIDs as values.

get_pure_rid_by_uniprot(uniprot: str)

Get rIDs of node based on UniProt ID.

get_pure_uniprot_rid_dict_in_bel_context() -> Dict[str, str]

Return dictionary with UniProt accession id as key and OrientDB @rid as value.

Applies to all pure nodes in graph with class name directly or indirectly involved in BEL statement. This method could be helpful to avoid graph explosion.


Return dictionary with UniProt IDs as keys and node rIDs as values.